Sweet potato fries are quite high in carbs and fats. Learn how to make them healthy and include them on low carb and ketogenic diets.
Sweet potato fries are the variation of french fries, replacing potatoes with sweet potatoes. They are a good source of carbohydrates and fats. The high fiber content will also slow the absorption of the sugar helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.
Serving Size | Total Carbs | Fiber | Total Sugar | Net Carbs | Keto Servings |
Serving Size 1 cup | Total Carbs 20.3 grams | Fiber 3.25 grams | Total Sugar 7.35 grams | Net Carbs 17.05 | Keto Servings 1 |
Serving Size 10 French Fries | Total Carbs 19.2 grams | Fiber 3.08 grams | Total Sugar 6.97 grams | Net Carbs 16.12 | Keto Servings 1 |
Serving Size 100 grams | Total Carbs 35.6 grams | Fiber 5.7 grams | Total Sugar 12.9 grams | Net Carbs 29.9 | Keto Servings 1 |
Sweet potato fries are healthy, but having them fried in vegetable oil such as soybean oil makes them unhealthy and very easy to overeat. You will encounter this when eating out at almost any restaurant.
Vegetable and seed oils oxidize easily in high heat and even in your body. When fried at high temperatures and used repeatedly, it can contain high amounts of toxic compounds (r).
To learn more about the health issues with vegetable and seed oils:
Nina Teicholz - Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story
Chris A. Knobbe - Omega-6 Apocalypse: From Heart Disease to Cancer and Macular Degeneration - AHS19
Vegetable oils and seed oils are high in linoleic acid stimulates the endocannabinoid system in your body which causes “munchies”, having you feel hungry (r). This is why is recommended to avoid them in our simple ketogenic diet guide.
Have your sweet potato fries baked if you want lower calories or have them fried in traditional, healthy fats such as tallow, butter or coconut oil.
Sweet potato fries are not considered keto friendly for weight loss since one serving will use up much or pass the daily net carb limit of 25 grams. If you want increased energy levels while on a keto diet using carbs then you can try using targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) or a cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) to increase carbohydrate intake while having the benefits of the ketogenic diet.
TKD is where you have an increased amount of carbs around your workout schedule to fill up your glycogen stores to provide more energy for your workouts.
CKD is where you follow a ketogenic diet for 5-6 days a week and then focus your carb consumption for 1-2 days a week to fill up your glycogen stores.
These protocols are very useful when you are pairing your weight loss routine with workouts and will help you stay in ketosis while still reaping the benefits of using carbohydrates for improved workout energy.
On a low carb diet, sweet potato fries are perfectly fine as long as you limit your intake to 1 to 2 servings and keep your overall limit under 100 grams of carbs.
Sweet potato fries are an excellent carb source for lean or athletic individuals looking for extra energy for their workouts. For low body fat percentages from low teens to high single digits on a ketogenic diet, your body’s fat stores and ketone production may not be able to keep up with your exercise activities especially if done frequently. At this level, 100 grams of carbs for your workouts using sweet potato fries would be beneficial to help keep up your energy levels.
Cooking Method | Serving Size | Weight | Water Content | Calories |
Cooking Method Fried | Serving Size 1 cup | Weight 57 grams | Water Content 52% (29.6 grams) | Calories 104 kcal |
Cooking Method Fried | Serving Size 10 French Fries | Weight 54 grams | Water Content 52% (28.1 grams) | Calories 98.3 kcal |
Cooking Method Fried | Serving Size 100 grams | Weight 100 grams | Water Content 52% (52 grams) | Calories 182 kcal |
Cooking Method | Unit | Protein | Fat | Protein : Fat |
Cooking Method Fried | Unit 1 cup | Protein 1.23 grams | Fat 5.08 grams | Protein : Fat 0.25:1 |
Cooking Method Fried | Unit 10 French Fries | Protein 1.17 grams | Fat 4.82 grams | Protein : Fat 0.25:1 |
Cooking Method Fried | Unit 100 grams | Protein 2.16 grams | Fat 8.92 grams | Protein : Fat 0.25:1 |
Sweet potato fries are nutritious and a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin A as beta-carotene. Please note, beta-carotene is converted in the body to retinol which is the human usable form at the amount of 0-8% of beta-carotene, some people are not able to do this. Beta-carotene also functions as an antioxidant in the body.
Sweet potato fries are also a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium and copper minerals.
Although sweet potato fries are high in carbohydrates, they accompany a good amount of fiber to reduce keep blood sugar levels stable. Although they are not keto-friendly, they can be included in a ketogenic diet if:
Finally when having sweet potato fries, avoid having them fried in vegetable and seed oils which can contain high amounts of toxic compounds especially when fried repeatedly on high heat. Choose to have them fried in healthy fats such as tallow, butter or coconut oil. A delicious way to to fry them is using duck fat.