Broccoli is a good vegetable to eat on a ketogenic diet and can aid not only in weight loss, but also athletic performance and improving mood. We explain in detail how this works.
Broccoli originally cannot be found in the wild. It was first bred in the northern mediterranian in the sixth century BC through brassica crops, which are part of the cabbage family and has been part of our food supply for about 1000 years. The cabbage family of vegetables is commonly referred to as cruciferous vegetables. Other cruciferous vegetables include, but not limited to cauliflower, cabbage, mustard greens, turnips and brussels sprouts.
A typical serving of broccoli is 1 cup chopped weighing at 156 grams. Broccoli is approximately made up of 90% water and 1 serving contains 55 kcal of calories.
1 serving of broccoli (1 cup chopped, 156g) contains 6.1 grams net carbs. This breaks down to 11.2 grams of carbohydrates and 5.1 grams of fiber. Total sugar is at 2.17 grams.
A single serving of broccoli contains a small amount of protein, about 4 grams and less than 1 gram of fat. Broccoli is notably high in vitamin C, vitamin K and Folate (vitamin B9). It is also a source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Vitamin A (as beta-carotene), vitamin E, choline and the full range of minerals in smaller quantities.
Broccoli is high in vitamin C, which is an essential vitamin and a strong antioxidant. Mood, motivation, focus and other cognitive functions are highly affected by inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a healing response of the body from damage that can be caused by various sources such as from pollution, but one of the biggest sources of damage to our bodies is from eating refined and processed foods, vegetable oils or eating a diet that is too high in sugar and carbohydrates. Excessive free radicals from the metabolization of these foods flood our system with reactive oxygen species which cause damage to our cell. By eating foods high in antioxidants such as vitamin C in broccoli, this help neutralize these free radicals from our system lowering damage to our cells and this reduces inflammation. This is why at the start of our guide, we emphasize removing these types of foods from our diet.
Also broccoli contains a good amount of fiber. Although this is not an essential nutrient, when eating carbohydrates, pick the ones that are paired with a significant amount of fiber. This will slow the absorption of carbohydrates into your bloodstream which help keep you blood sugar level stable. This in turn prevents the onset of post meal fatigue which brings about brain fog and and just general drowsiness.
Staying hydrated with a good mineral status is important in helping to maintain mental focus and general cognitive performance. Broccoli is mostly made up of water and is packaged with minerals that will improve your body’s mineral status.
Remember that feeling you get from eating a big lunch? That was probably just the large amount of carbs you ate!
Yes. Although broccoli has slightly more carbohydrates compared to other leafy vegetables such as arugula, a serving or 2 of this vegetable will pose no problem for your weight loss goals. We do recommend minimizing carbohydrate intake to maximize fat loss, but consideration is also taken on the nutrient value of the food. Broccoli, packaged with its vitamins and minerals make it worth while even though it is slightly higher in carbs than other vegetables. Especially since broccoli contains a full range of essential minerals, it will assist in reducing snack cravings.
Electrolytes and hydration are extremely important when it comes to being able to perform athletically. Not only does it help you stay mentally focused and motivated, minerals are essential to the operation of your central nervous system which controls muscle activation and also provides the necessary cofactors for efficient energy production. Broccoli has a full range of minerals and should be paired with red meat such as beef to further improve and maintain mineral status.
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and this family of vegetables contain glucosinolate compounds, isothiocyanates and sulforaphane. These act as defense compounds for the plant which are toxic to pests and discourage them from eating the body of the plant. In humans, our cells rapidly works to neutralize and remove these compounds from our bodies to prevent them from doing damage. In order to minimize the inflammation that this damage can cause to our bodies, boiling the broccoli will deactivate these compounds.